Oakland Heritage Alliance v. City of Oakland (Cal. Ct. App. 1st Dist, Div. 4, May 10, 2011) No. A126558 available at CourtWebsite
In a decision impacting reliance on regulatory schemes for reducing environmental impacts under CEQA, a court of appeal recently held that a development project did not impermissibly defer mitigation by relying on seismic building standards to protect human health and safety and that the EIR’s analyses and mitigation were supported by substantial evidence.
In the case, an alliance of citizens challenged a development project's EIR, contending it inadequately evaluated the seismic risks for the project. On each issue presented, the court sided with the city. First, the court held the revised EIR utilized proper significance criteria and adequately evaluated seismic damage to structures by requiring site-specific geotechnical evaluations and structural design requirements, while reducing seismic risks through appropriate engineering methods.
The court also found substantial evidence supporting the city’s finding that seismic impacts were mitigated to less than significant levels because the project would be required to comply with various state and local requirements designed to protect against seismic hazards, including the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act, CGS Special Publication 117, the Building Code, and local development ordinances. Although the EIR noted that a site-specific evaluation would be needed before final design to adjust the appropriate remedial measures, the court held the EIR’s geotechnical investigation adequately accounted for on-site conditions and measures that could reduce impacts. The court also found the EIR's mitigation measures contained standard and proven approaches accepted within the geotechnical engineering community that would reduce the seismic impacts to a less than significant level.
Lastly, the court held the city did not impermissibly defer mitigation of seismic impacts. The EIR discussed a range of mitigation measures, including geotechnical requirements in site-specific investigations for plans submitted to obtain construction permits. The court held it was reasonable to expect the performance criteria imposed in the plans by ordinance, code, and standards would be followed. The EIR essentially proposed compliance with a regulatory scheme designed to ensure seismic safety, and that seismic impacts would be mitigated through engineering methods known to be feasible and effective.